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Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional Soulutions

The L&H™ Solution Series speech-enables your PC, providing you with an easy way to quickly increase productivity. Use natural, everyday speech and talk to your computer to automate common tasks, customize and integrate applications, and turn your speech directly into text.

Work smarter and faster than ever before! Dictate into virtually any Windows® based application; navigate the Internet; perform speech-based text searches; and create and complete speech-aware document templates and forms with voice macros.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking® Professional Solutions uses the power of speech to create, format and edit documents, as well as to launch and control most desktop applications. After completing a short enrollment, you will experience outstanding speech recognition accuracy that will continue to improve as you use the software. You can even customize the vocabulary for your specialty or field of interest.

The L&H™ Solution Series integrates Dragon NaturallySpeaking® software with two powerful development tools, L&H™ SpeechLinks and L&H™ SpeechDocs Filler. L&H™ SpeechLinks is a Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA)-compatible program that you can use to record mouse movements and keyboard entries, build formatted text macros, and customize and integrate data among applications such as Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Visual Basic, Visio®, and AutoCAD®, all by voice! L&H™ SpeechDocs Filler helps users organize free-form information such as policy manuals, job descriptions, research reports, and correspondence into a knowledgebase they can search by voice. You can create, access and distribute documents, information and knowledge quickly and easily.


Key Benefits

  • Natural dictation into your computer at up to 160 words per minute - your words appear on screen and in memos, letters, reports, and e-mail.

  • Train the computer to recognize your speech in less than ten minutes.

  • Hands-on tutorial for basic dictation techniques and quick start-up.

  • Outstanding speech recognition accuracy, with over 140 major awards won worldwide.

  • Comprehensive, customizable vocabulary of 250,000 standard and business terms, with more than 160,000 active words, enables you to add new terms and create vocabularies for different specialties or fields of interest.

  • Integrated with Microsoft® Word, Corel® WordPerfect®, and Lotus® Notes®; and works with virtually all Windows®-based applications

  • Works on PCs and with any L&H-approved handheld digital recorder.

  • Saves a recording of your dictation session for future playback and revision.

  • Text-to-speech technology enables your computer to read e-mail and other documents aloud.

  • Navigation of the Web by voice.

  • Custom voice commands (macros) let you create documents, insert boilerplate text, customize applications, complete forms, and perform other complex tasks with a spoken word or phrase.

  • Creation of knowledge bases from multiple sources, such as your own documents and the Internet; search of knowledge bases to retrieve information; and automatic conversion of information into documents for electronic publishing and distribution.


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Last modified: 07/08/03