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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Legal Solutions.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Legal Solutions speech recognition software is a powerful productivity tool that enables legal professionals to work faster and more efficiently. Speak, and your words appear on screen and in letters, briefs, e-mails and more. This revolutionary new release will save legal organizations tens of thousands of dollars each year by reducing dependencies on support staff for manual transcription tasks.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking products have won over 160 awards for accuracy and ease-of-use, so its no surprise it's the world's #1 selling continuous speech recognition software. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Legal Solutions automatically integrates with the Microsoft Office Suite as well as Corel Word Perfect, and virtually any Windows-based application. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is also available with complete tools for enterprise level installation and management.

Dictate directly into a PC, or be productive on-the go by dictating into a Scansoft-certified handheld digital recorder or Pocket PC for automatic transcription later when you synch to your PC. Use RealSpeak Proofing to have your documents read back to you in the most natural sounding synthesized voice available, or simply have your own recorded dictation played back for you.

The Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Solutions Series is also the first PC dictation application to receive Section 508 Certification, a rigorous government standard for ensuring software is accessible to people with disabilities

Key Benefits

In addition to the features available in our consumer products, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Legal Solutions offers the following benefits for the legal professional:

  • FAST
    Instantly convert what you say into text, reducing dependencies on support staff. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is there to do your transcriptions twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. It can travel with you, and never gets sick!

    Dragon NaturallySpeaking users can easily achieve accuracy rates of up to 99%. Dragon NaturallySpeaking actually gets better the more you use it, and has won over 160 awards for accuracy and ease-of-use. Includes specialized legal terms, Latin and French law phrases, court names, and abbreviations.

    In just about a few minutes, you'll be dictating directly into virtually any Windows®-based application, including the MicroSoft Office Suite and Corel Word Perfect.

    Perform complex tasks on your computer instantly with a spoken word or phrase. Create your own specialized commands-from simple dictation shortcuts to scripting commands that can automate virtually any process. Dragon NatuallySpeaking Legal Solutions even automatically formats citations.

    Be productive on-the-go! Import recordings from any ScanSoft-certified Pocket PC or digital handheld recorder for automatic transcription when you synch with your PC. You can also dictate using array microphones and wireless headsets, eliminating the need to be wired to the PC.

    Install and manage multiple seats of Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal Solutions from a central network location.

    Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Legal Solutions can help people with disabilities achieve maximum productivity on PCs, as well as help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other muskuloskeletal disorders. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 Solutions Series products meet Section 508 standards, established by the US government to make software accessible for people with disabilities


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Last modified: 07/08/03