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Voice Commands

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You Get:

Normal GI Abdomen soft w/o hepato-splenomegaly. No masses, hernias, tenderness or ascites. Bowel sounds normal. No CVA or suprapubic tenderness or fullness. No LSK enlargement. Percussion normal. Hernial orifices intact.
Normal Heart PMI over the left 5th, ICS over the left mid-clavicular line. No thrills palpable. S1 S2 audible. No murmurs or gallops. Peripheral pulses intact including satisfactory pulsation in the carotids, radials, femorals, popliteals, posterior tibials, and dorsalis pedis.
Normal Knee Exam Physical examination of the knee reveals no effusion and no atrophy. There was no pain to palpation over the medial or lateral joint lines, or over the extensor mechanism. There is full active and passive range of motion without pain. There is normal strength in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors. No gross patello-femoral crepitus was noted. Ligament examination reveals a negative Lachman, negative anterior drawer, and negative varus and valgus stress exams. McMurray and Steinmann exams for meniscal impingement are both unremarkable. Distal motor and sensory exams are normal.
Insert Upper GI

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My Closing Thanks so much for this most interesting referral, and for allowing me to participate in (a patient’s name) care.

I will certainly keep you informed of (his/her name) progress and appreciate the opportunity of participating in &his/her$ care.


Your Name, M.D.

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Last modified: 07/08/03