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About Medical

Dragon NaturallySpeaking® Medical Solutions speech recognition software is a powerful productivity tool that enables medical professionals to work faster and more efficiently. Speak, and your words appear on screen and in electronic medical records, patient notes, and referral letters.

Dictate letters, reports, and other documents; enter data; fill-in forms; send e-mail; and work on the Web-all by voice! Perform complex tasks on your computer with a spoken word or phrase, customize your vocabulary and commands to match your workflow, listen to incoming e-mail and documents read aloud, and much more.

Integrated with Microsoft® Office, Corel® WordPerfect® and Lotus Notes®, Dragon NaturallySpeaking® software works with virtually all Windows®-based applications.

Create your own documents on the spot or send your recorded dictation to be transcribed elsewhere. Dictate directly into a PC or an ScanSoft-certified handheld recorder for personal or third-party transcription.

Key Benefits

In addition to the features available in our consumer products, Dragon NaturallySpeaking® Medical offers the following benefits for the professional user:

  • Reduces or eliminates transcription processing time and costs.
  • Speeds up routine tasks on the PC by enabling you to create patient notes, dictate into electronic medical records, fax referral letters, and more-all by voice.
  • Increases productivity when away from the office.
  • Promotes prompt, standardized reporting and documentation procedures.
  • Helps address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 requirements.
  • Protects users from developing Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and helps employees with RSI return to work.


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    Copyright © 2003 CybeRx Consulting
    Last modified: 07/08/03